Friday, October 17, 2008
I have to go to wal-mart every 2 weeks because I live in Mayberry. We only have a Bashas and a Safeway and a few dollar stores here! So I have to make the 80 mile round trip to wal-mart to do my grocery shopping and any thing else we need! I try to leave my house to go to walmart hell as early as I can I left at 7:45am this morning. I got all of my coupons which are a pain in the a#* to keep track of you have to make sure the coupon says to buy one or two to get that 35 cents off! And the people in the store O lordy! To start it all off this woman and her 3 children are in front of me in the isle her kids were screaming at the top of there lungs and she is letting them lay under the cart and dragging them down the isle....grrr... I am not saying my kids are the best but I have 6 of them ages 11-4 and they never ever scream or miss behave in public so this just pisses me off when mothers act like they are so overwhelmed to control their children! (My 4 year old said shut them kids up!) And second the the store is about 15 miles from the Apache reservation and the county that the store is in is the #1 county in the united states with the highest meth problem. And the pay day for the Apache tribe and the welfare checks come out on the 1st and the 15th of every month so everyone and there dog is in that wal mart! And of course that is when I have to go! Third the employees apparently hate their job and wake up in the morning and have to say to themselves my goal for the day is to see how may people I can piss off! They stock the isles during the day. My question is why do we need to stock during the day when we are open 24 hours a day! They stock the isles and by the way it takes 6 of them to do the job of 1 or 2 so they are blocking the way! So buy the time I get thew all of this it is time for the dreaded check out! I try to make the cashiers job easier by putting all of my can goods together cleaning cold food etc. And have my coupons all together. So I am standing in line and there is this mother with a little tiny baby checking out she was 1 person in front of me. She was using her wic checks and this takes time. I don't mind waiting I once had to use them and so I know long it takes to go thew every idem. So she pays and the the woman in front of me want to barter every thing in her cart. That's OK I just wait patently. So now it is my turn I get all of my groceries in the belt. And help the casher who I think was the only wal mart employee that liked her job. And the woman behind me starts to complain very loudly that she was sick of standing there and had better things to do. And when I pulled out those coupons she screamed Christ o mighty! So I turned to her and said sorry I have to use my coupons I have 6 kids and ever little bit counts,and I just drove 40 miles just to do my shopping! So then I pissed her off even more I had a few thing that I wanted to pay for separate o lordy the look she gave me! So after I loaded my cart back up grabbed a bag of ice to put in the ice chest so I could keep my cold food cold for the trip back across the mountain. I get out to the car start loading the back of my car with the mountain of groceries. This man stops behind me and turns on his blinker he apparently wants my parking spot. The parking lot is filled with parking spots but he wants mine! So I just told myself I am going to take my time. I got the car all loaded took the cart back to the cart corral and got in to my car and took my time. I went thew my purse and found my sun glasses plugged in my i pod searched for my pod casts manic mommies or diva cast hmmm manic mommies i guess, put my seat belt on checked my phone for misses calls and that was about as I could find to do. I thought maybe he would get tired of waiting but guess what he was still sitting there holding up traffic with his blinker on wanting my spot! So anyways I am back in Mayberry enjoying that I am not in wal mart hell!
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I also HATE Wal-Mart, live in Mayberry, and deal with Meth infested areas! Love your blog! Melissa
I have tagged you! Would love to get to know you better! If you want to play along, come on over! Melissa
I just wanted you to know that not all Wal-marts are like the one in Show amazing and un-true as it sounds. We have two here, and I enjoy going to them...that is wierd...I know ;)
But at least in all of my trip to wal-mart I did not see any of our old aquatences from p-hole! He He
Christ o mighty!
I too hate some WalMArt but that is mostly a traffic thing, and that they are remodeling and no one can find anything.
And for some reason,I start sweating when I am checking out. Sweating, not swearing--although sometimes that too
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