OK I am having a hard time getting my 9 year old daughter to bring home her homework. She is getting a D in math only because she will not bring home her homework. I have grounded her (only for a night) taken away her Brats, no TV and nothing works! I am so sick of saying home work is call home work because you do it at HOME!!! So today I made her go to school with a paper safety pined to her shirt saying I will bring my homework home! I am hoping the humiliation of being treated like a kindergartner will get her back on track, but I have a feeling that the note came right off when she got to school. But I have spies in the school her brother who would just love to tell on her and her step-sister who likes to quietly spy on her and rat her out!
I blogged about this morning and now she is home and WOW it worked (for today) she brought her home work home. I asked her what her teacher said about the kindergartner note pined to her, she said she just laughed. I hope this works I am running out of ideas!
hmmm..maybe it will work?
I lived in anxiety of not getting it done so I am no use to you for ideas...the only thing that worked on me was taking away my books
Thanks Malfunction Junction I will have to see how the rest of the week goes!
Found you through Paige and her Malfunction Junction blog. Paige has been a good friend to me.
Love your Blue dog....I have one of those too.
My kids are all older now, with the last two due to graduate from college in 2009. I cannot tell you how grateful I was to get them all out of high school and into college. It will get better, I promise!
Thanks Holly I hope it gets better I have 5 girls and 1 boy and I can see the 2 girls that will give me trouble and see this is one of them! Thanks for your advice!
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